Friday, February 26, 2010

I've applied for my passport, have you?

I just went to the post office today to apply for that passport...reminded that it can take up to 6 weeks.

Just a friendly reminder to get your application filled out so you have time to get it before the big trip!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Artist Needed...

We need someone who can come up with an awesome and creative design for our reunion t-shirts!  Whether it's with graphic design or something else, it would be great to have something tailored to the reunion for all of us to wear!

If you are interested in such a venture, please let me know by commenting here, or messaging me through Facebook.  Thanks!

Head Count needed, as soon as possible!

Seriously guys, I need at least a tentative head count from each of you.  We are trying to get a t-shirt order together and we need to know how many to order.  In order to plan different tours or whatever you all want, we probably need a headcount on that too.  I know its hard to know if you can do it this soon, but can you give me a good guess for now and when it gets closer we'll bug you again?

Thanks a bunch!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photographers Needed!

Are any of you out there avid picture takers?  Do you have a fantastic or even average camera that you love to take everywhere and take pictures of everything?  Do you have a tripod?  Let us know!

We would love to put you to work as official reunion photographers!  All we would ask is that you bring your camera and take pictures of all of us doing various activities, at meals, around the campfire, etc.  We need about 3 or 4 different ones so we have enough to cover different activities when we're not all together. 

When we are all together, we would like to take a chance and take a few group shots with everyone there to remember this fantastic event.  We're planning on getting some reunion tshirts made, so we'll probably have you all wear those for the big family shot.   More details on that to come.

Comment here or on the FB page if you would like to volunteer!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow, I realized I sound bossy.

Sorry about that.  I don't mean to sound mean and bossy, I just want everyone to have something at the reunion that they are looking forward to, and in order to do that, we need lots of responses and feedback from everyone that is planning to come.  If everyone's voice is represented, hopefully there will be something each person will enjoy while we are there and we can all have tons of fun together!

Please understand also that the Itinerary on here is just tentative and subject to change according to the wants and needs of those attending.  I am so open to lots of ideas and feedback and thoughts and comments!  Please let me know if there is something you would really like to do that I have not thought about and not mentioned.

I hope that this will be a super fun time for everyone involved as well as a great time to get to know some "long lost" relatives we haven't seen in so many years.  So please, don't feel weird about telling me ideas and I really hope I don't sound mean and bossy, because that's not how I meant it at all!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who have contributed to the Poll in the right upper corner!  Pass on the news to your families so we get lots of feedback!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Please be aware that if you do not have a passport and need to obtain one, it does take 4-6 weeks to receive through the mail, please apply ASAP so you do not have to miss out on the awesome reunion!!

If you are applying for one or renewing one, you need to go to this website and fill in the form.  Then you have to take it to your local facility that you can search for on the same website.  I recommend filling out the form first, then it will turn it into a PDF format and you can print it to take over to your local post office or passport application facility.  Either way, visit this website listed below and follow the instructions it gives you.

You will also need a copy of your birth certificate and picture ID.

Good Luck!

Tentative Itinerary

Obray/Harker Reunion Itinerary
June 28-July 4, 2010 
  • Family arrives, set up camp, check in hotel/motel
  • Opening Dinner – BBQ at Lee’s Campground (details to follow) would want to have some kind of game or ice breaker activity to get to know everyone there.  Need name tags for everyone there.
  • Campfire with s’mores
  • Carriage Museum, if interested
  • Visit Big House (need to contact current owners to see if this is okay)
  • Visit temple grounds
  • Visit Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump
  • Free time for visiting with family
  • Possible Family History activity (slideshows of pictures, family tree poster, storytelling, mingle, etc) this would probably be at an LDS stake center because it furnishes a projector and we could use laptops there, and it’s a free facility.
  • Campfire
  • Temple trip for those interested.  (My husband Jeff and I will be bringing our stuff to do a session or some sealings.  Anyone interested may join us.)
  • Visit Waterton National Park—pack lunches, spend day at park, get ice cream, etc.  pretty much all day or as long as people can last.
  • Picnic for lunch to celebrate both Canada Day and Aunt Marcia’s birthday.  Either pot luck or we all contribute to a central meal.  Probably some kind of cake will be there too to celebrate the birthday of Canada and Aunt Marcia
  • Fireworks in Lethbridge that evening.
  • Possible swimming pool or something of the sort.

  • Some kind of gathering at either a park or at the Campground.  Pretty much a free day to do what people want to do.
  • Possible second temple trip if anyone is interested.
  • Visit Cardston Cemetary

  • Different outdoor activities or games.  Water balloon toss or Frisbee or something if people are interested. 
  • Free time to visit with family and cousins
  • Closing Dinner Social – probably a central theme for dinner, could be potluck, but we might choose one thing and just divide the cost per person or per family.  Ideas would be appreciated.  Either held at LDS stake center cultural hall or at campground.
  • Pack up and checkout
  • Possible religious gathering of a sort, for those interested.

Reunion So Far

Here are the basics regarding the reunion plans as we have them so far.  As I said before, an itinerary is forthcoming, I just wanted to list the basics while I wait for my husband to help me get the Itinerary posted on here from Microsoft Word.

First of all, I know some people are wanting to get a hotel or motel room, and that is fine, and that can be up to each family.  You can also try to all get rooms at the same motel (which may in turn give us another gathering place if it is like a Holiday Inn type of place).  Either way, hotels have not, and will not be planned in general and it will be left to those wanting a hotel room to do for themselves.

Those of you who would rather tent camp, or use a camper trailer or RV, you can do so.  I have reserved 6 campsites at Lee's Creek Campground that all join together edge to edge and they all have full hookups, including Wi-Fi access.  There is also access to full bathrooms with flushing toilets and showers.  If your particular family group is going to take up a whole campsite, please let me know because I will ask you to please cover the full cost of that campsite, which will be $28 per night plus hookup usage.  Mostly I figured we would just mark all of the sites as ours and people will just choose wherever they want to camp within those boundaries.  Either way should work.

As far as meals, for some of them we will be gathered together as the whole large family group, and for those meals we will probably have a central meal and just ask for each family to contribute what is fair for their size of family.   We discussed potluck, but a lot of us won't have access to cook in the places they are staying.  If you would like to potluck, we can revisit that option.  I think a good way to deal with this is to go to Costco and just get enough for everyone, take the cost of the meal and divide that to the per person cost and each individual family can take the per person cost and multiply that by the number in their party.  Beyond the large gathered meals (about 3 or 4 of them all week), meals will be left to you to do as you wish.  You may join another subgroup if you wish or just get your own stuff for you and your immediate family.

Activities are still to be planned.  Depending on answers I get from the poll on the upper right side of the column, I will be working with others to decide what our options are while we are all together.  PLEASE GIVE YOUR INPUT IN THE POLL SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE AT WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO.   Discuss with your immediate families what you want to do and then respond to me by April 1st so we can get some people to help plan individual activities.

That's about it for now.  Hope this update helps, and if you have questions or comments, please post them here in the comments section.

Welcome Relatives!

Okay, here we go.  We decided having a blog open to anyone who wanted to see it would be better than having a Facebook page because not everyone is connected through Facebook.  We will continue to link you to this blog from Facebook when we have updates added, but for the most part, mark this page to your favorites because this is where all of the hot new reunion updates will be posted.  There are a few things I would like to mention here as we get started.   Here they are:

Please take the time to check this at least on a weekly basis because as things get closer we will have different things we need you to respond to so we can get different things planned as far as activities go.  The itinerary will change as time goes on, and this will be according to feedback we get from you, the family members attending this reunion.  We want this to be tailored to what people want to do so we don't end up with a bored or upset crowd.

WHEN I POST NEW THINGS AND ASK FOR FEEDBACK OR RESPONSES, PLEASE RESPOND.  I need you to do so within a week of the post.  Either do this through an email directly to my email account, or through the comments section on the post.  Sometimes I will have a poll on the sidebar that I need you to click on a little thing and that will of course be self explanatory, but otherwise, I need you to send things to my email or in the comment section of that particular post.

IF YOU HAVE IDEAS....please send them to me.  I would love to get your feedback on things so I can make things work better.

I think that is it so far.  I will be adding a copy of the current rough draft itinerary to this page today so you all can get an idea of what is currently in mind.