Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Contact Me!

I have added a link to send me an email on the right hand side of this page.  If you have questions, would like to volunteer to help out, suggestions, comments, etc., please feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to get back to you on it in a timely manner! 

I would love some help from all of you, so please please please feel free to let me know if you are willing!  It would be awesome to have an army of helpers to do different activities!

Love to all of you!


Okay, So I know things have gotten slow...

I was waiting on some responses from you all so we could get things going as far as planning goes.   I am going to pick up the pace as far as getting things reserved for a lunch at Waterton, and also the other activities we would like to reserve.   

So far, it looks like we have 55 confirmed people showing up.   If you know of more than I do, please let me know.   I can post the numbers I have here and who I am expecting if you like. 

Also, please let me know what you would like to do as far as meals?  Would you like to do your own thing most of the time, and then some of the time do a couple of large group dinners/lunches?  Or would it be best to just do community food on a regular basis?

Thanks for being patient!  Please respond!!
