Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photographers Needed!

Are any of you out there avid picture takers?  Do you have a fantastic or even average camera that you love to take everywhere and take pictures of everything?  Do you have a tripod?  Let us know!

We would love to put you to work as official reunion photographers!  All we would ask is that you bring your camera and take pictures of all of us doing various activities, at meals, around the campfire, etc.  We need about 3 or 4 different ones so we have enough to cover different activities when we're not all together. 

When we are all together, we would like to take a chance and take a few group shots with everyone there to remember this fantastic event.  We're planning on getting some reunion tshirts made, so we'll probably have you all wear those for the big family shot.   More details on that to come.

Comment here or on the FB page if you would like to volunteer!

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