Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow, I realized I sound bossy.

Sorry about that.  I don't mean to sound mean and bossy, I just want everyone to have something at the reunion that they are looking forward to, and in order to do that, we need lots of responses and feedback from everyone that is planning to come.  If everyone's voice is represented, hopefully there will be something each person will enjoy while we are there and we can all have tons of fun together!

Please understand also that the Itinerary on here is just tentative and subject to change according to the wants and needs of those attending.  I am so open to lots of ideas and feedback and thoughts and comments!  Please let me know if there is something you would really like to do that I have not thought about and not mentioned.

I hope that this will be a super fun time for everyone involved as well as a great time to get to know some "long lost" relatives we haven't seen in so many years.  So please, don't feel weird about telling me ideas and I really hope I don't sound mean and bossy, because that's not how I meant it at all!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who have contributed to the Poll in the right upper corner!  Pass on the news to your families so we get lots of feedback!

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